Entitiy Search API HTTP status code

I am using the Entitiy Search API. What HTTP status code is returned if I issue a request but the daily limit of my access token has been reached?

Best Answer

  • HTTP/429 is used for both exceeding ones permitted request rate and for exceeding the daily permitted request count.

    HTTP/503 is also noteworthy here for when the server has reached capacity and is unable to fulfil the request.

    One would have to parse the response text to determine which limit is breached.

    The OpenCalais User Guide §1.3 states the account limits start at 0.5-1 per second, 5,000 per day, and 100KB maximum article size.


  • Thank for the reply. What is the permitted request rate in this case?

  • Thank for the reply. What is the permitted request rate in this case?

  • @andy it would have been provided alongside your credentials and daily quota. Note that requests exceeding the request rate will count against the daily quota and thus the client should be designed to throttle itself.

  • I see that I must wait 750 milliseconds in between each request now. I was not told explicitly what my daily quota is, but having read the documentation is it 5000 per day?

  • @andy the figure 750ms is provided as an example period, it is generally recommended to backoff more than the absolute minimum in case of severe sever side overload by premium users.