How I Can get client classification using World check one API , What is the name of the get Api for

How I Can get client classification using World check one API , What is the name of the get Api for client classification

Best Answer

  • Prabhjyot
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for elaborating your query.

    If I understand it correctly, you want code example for your reference to be able to integrate with the API. If yes, please refer to the below link and you should be able to find the code example for C# using .NET and refer to the same for developing your integration.

    Link :

    Section : CODE EXAMPLE

    If you need the details of the API, you can download the API documentation and the postman collection from the same link. You can use the collection to test the API and code example for development purpose.

    Hope this helps.


  • @m.arar,

    Thank you for your query.

    Could you please elaborate a bit more on what exactly do you mean by - 'Client classification'?

  • thank you for answering
    what i mean exactly :
    that how i can to apply SEQ-screen-sync-individual: Perform Synchronous Screening: Individual api and SEQ-screen-sync-organisation: Perform Synchronous Screening: Organisation api into My C# Application using .Net Framework

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