Does record matching support website?

For /match the default example you show suggests that `website` is supported, though none of the examples I can find in the documentation actually show it being used. Is it supported, if so what is the format as any test I try with a website fails?

LocalID,Standard Identifier,Name,Country,Street,City,PostalCode,State,Website 1,RIC:AAPL.O|Ticker:AAPL,Apple,US,"Apple Campus, 1 Infinite Loop",Cupertino,95014,California,

For /match/file where can you find the example csv format? The "see an example here" link takes you to a page that doesn't have the csv (that I can tell).

Best Answer


  • Hi @travis,

    Thank you for the question.

    For Match API you can use the following example:




    You will see that while the first record will result in a match score of 92%, adding the website will bring it higher to 96%.

    Please note that matching by website only is currently not supported, however as we can see in the example above, adding a website can increase the match score.

    For the CSV (matchfile), you can use the same website as above.
    For Apple you can use the following website:


    Gilad, the team