Refinitiv add-in excel (Mac) creates formula but does not give any result


When I create a formula on excel (Mac) with the formula builder, it creates the formula but I do not obtain any result (even while pressing enter or refreshing).


Did it already happen to you ? how can I obtain results ?

Thank you for your help

Best Answer

  • Just tried - I'm getting all the prices in Excel, example:

    =RDP.Data("LVMH.PA","TR.PriceClose","Sdate=2005-01-01 EDate=2020-08-31 Curn=EUR CH=Fd RH=IN")

    The best way to retrieve 44 equities is just cell reference them, here's an example of function:

    =RDP.Data(U2:V2,"TR.PriceClose","SDate=2004-12-31 EDate=2020-10-31 Frq=D Curn=EUR CH=IN RH=date")

    + screen shot with results



  • Hi Maxime,
    can you please provide what instrument you have in that function? I've just tried to create the same function with MSFT.O and the data came through and I can see the Microsoft's share price.

  • Hi Max, thanks for your answer.

    it also works for me when I create the function for a single date or a time slot.

    I'm trying to obtain the closing price and market cap of LVMH.PA and 44 other stocks from the 1st of January 2005 to the 31st of August 2020.


  • It is the first time I use Eikon add-in on Mac... So, I'm sorry but it might be dumb

    When I paste one or the other of those formula, I obtain this. What should I do?

    Btw you can WhatsApp me +33647085072

  • Can you please drop me a message to We can have a quick teams call.

  • Hi,

    I am having a similar issue where only one data point seems to be retrieved when I use formula builder. I am trying to retrieve pricing data for each constituent from an index between 2016-2021.


  • Hi @lena.demaison this looks like it's related to the Data Items being used. The "JL" portion of those Data Items is specifically looking at Joiners and Leavers of the index. The Data Items you'll want to use are: "TR.IndexConstituentRIC" and "TR.IndexConstituentName." Once you have those returning the RICs and Names, you can run a separate Data Item against them of "TR.PriceClose" - but you'll want to ensure that you're referencing the RICs that are returned rather than .STOXX, otherwise you'll just end up with the the overall price of the .STOXX index. Add on if you have any further questions!



  • Hi,

    I had the same problem when I tried to create a formula on excel (Mac) with the formula builder, it created the formula but then returned the error instead of data.


    Thus, how can I fix this problem?

    Thank you,

  • Hello,

    I've the same issue: on Excel (macOS) when creating any formula with Refinitiv 365 add-in, the only result I get is #Error. The same formula on Windows works fine. Is there any update on this topic?

    Thank you