Code 500 Internal Server Error

Hello! I am experiencing the same issue Internal Server Error 500 after I run the query that used to run perfectly fine before. Please see the detailed log. And yes, I can set the app key without any errors. and the 9000/api/status message is as expected. version 2.6.4. and the eikon version is the last.

2020-12-07 15:02:25,941 P[12944] [MainThread 17968] entity: DataGrid_StandardAsync  2020-12-07 15:02:25,942 P[12944] [MainThread 17968] payload: {'requests': [{'instruments': ['SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,private,primary))), Contains(TR.BusinessSummary,"islami") OR Contains(TR.BusinessSummary,"takaful") OR Contains(TR.CommonName,"takaful") OR Contains(TR.CommonName,"islami") OR Contains(TR.BusinessSummary,"sharia"), IN(TR.TRBCIndustryCode,55301050,55301030,55301020,55301010), CURN=USD)'], 'fields': [{'name': 'TR.TRBCIndustry'}]}]}  2020-12-07 15:02:25,943 P[12944] [MainThread 17968] Request:{'Entity': {'E': 'DataGrid_StandardAsync', 'W': {'requests': [{'instruments': ['SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,private,primary))), Contains(TR.BusinessSummary,"islami") OR Contains(TR.BusinessSummary,"takaful") OR Contains(TR.CommonName,"takaful") OR Contains(TR.CommonName,"islami") OR Contains(TR.BusinessSummary,"sharia"), IN(TR.TRBCIndustryCode,55301050,55301030,55301020,55301010), CURN=USD)'], 'fields': [{'name': 'TR.TRBCIndustry'}]}]}}}  2020-12-07 15:02:25,944 P[12944] [MainThread 17968] Request to    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-tr-applicationid': 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'}     params = None  2020-12-07 15:02:26,101 P[12944] [MainThread 17968] HTTP request response 500: {"code":500,"message":"read ECONNRESET","statusMessage":"Internal Server Error"}  2020-12-07 15:02:26,102 P[12944] [MainThread 17968] HTTP Response code: 500  2020-12-07 15:02:26,102 P[12944] [MainThread 17968] HTTP Response: {"code":500,"message":"read ECONNRESET","statusMessage":"Internal Server Error"}  2020-12-07 15:02:26,103 P[12944] [MainThread 17968] Headers: x_ratelimit_limit=None / x_ratelimit_remaining=None  2020-12-07 15:02:26,104 P[12944] [MainThread 17968] x_volumelimit_limit=None / x_volumelimit_remaining=None  2020-12-07 15:02:26,112 P[12944] [MainThread 17968] retry_after 0

Best Answer


  • @alexander.yermolayev

    The error indicates that TCP connection between Eikon API Proxy and Eikon platform backend was abruptly terminated. This could happen for any number of reasons. Eikon API Proxy is a component of Eikon desktop application, which technically is a Node.js server running on your machine and listening for HTTP requests sent by Eikon Data API library to http://localhost:9060/api/...", and passing these requests with additional headers to Eikon platform backend Web services.
    If you experience this error intermittently and infrequently, you could catch it in your code and resubmit the request. Otherwise, if you're able to reproduce the issue at will, it would be very helpful to get Eikon API Proxy log files created with logging configured at the max level. Run Eikon Configuration Manager from Windows Start menu, select Logs tab and set Refinitiv Desktop trace level to "4 - Debug". Click Configure and restart Eikon. Then reproduce the error and collect SxS.<datetime>.<pid>.txt and APIProxy.<datetime>.<pid>.txt log files from Eikon logs folder (C:\ProgramData\Thomson Reuters\Eikon Data\Logs\TRD\Eikon.<datetime>.<pid>). Once you've collected the logs, you can put them in a zip file and attach it to your post. Don't forget to reverse logging settings after collecting the logs. You don't want Eikon and Python to keep outputting debug level logging.

  • @Alex Putkov. Hello Alex, many thanks for the detailed reply.

    The issue is not intermittent, it occurs with ALL queries I am trying to run.

    i.e. I cannot use Eikon Data API at all, no requests are being sent successfully.

    I attach the logs I created by running as requested.

    I made sure that my proxy is not an issue, the IT team set exceptions for and :80, as well as HTTPS Tunneling.

  • @alexander.yermolayev

    I'm afraid what you've shared are the logs produced by Eikon Data APIs library for Python. Eikon API Proxy logs collected following the instructions in my previous response would have been much more useful for the problem you're experiencing.
    From the logs produced by Eikon Data APIs library for Python that you shared it appears that between Dec 7 and Dec 10 you were consistently getting "read ECONNRESET" error in response to data requests. I cannot say what caused this error, but it most certainly is related to network connectivity. If you were able to retrieve data from Eikon using Eikon Data APIs earlier, and then starting Dec 7 all data requests started returning "read ECONNRESET" error, this suggests that some changes were implemented on your network on or before Dec 7th.
    The logs you shared reveal that starting on Dec 11 data requests consistently return a different error message: "unable to get local issuer certificate". This suggests that changes were implemented to your Internet proxy overnight between Dec 10 and 11. I'm not privy to your network configuration details and cannot be sure what exact changes happened on your network recently. The error message "unable to get local issuer certificate" suggests you're probably using SSL decrypting proxy, which blocks HTTPS traffic between Eikon API Proxy running on your machine and Web services on Eikon platform backend. It's hard to say exactly why the proxy is blocking this traffic. One reason may be that it expects a local certificate from your machine to be attached to the requests. If this is indeed the case, then you may be affected by a known deficiency in recent versions of Eikon API Proxy, which don't allow client certificate to be picked up from Windows Certificate Store. If this is indeed the case, there's a couple of immediate workarounds we can suggest while the underlying problem with Eikon API Proxy is being fixed. This said, it's all pure speculation. The best way to go about investigating and resolving the problem you experienced is to open a case with Refinitiv Helpdesk and have a troubleshooting session between your IT and Refinitiv Support. The format of a community forum is not very well suited to investigating networking issues, not to mention that sharing details of your private network configuration on a public forum could be a security concern.
    To open a case with Refinitiv Helpdesk, use Contact Us capability in your Eikon application (from the main Eikon menu select Help - Contact Us) or visit MyRefinitiv.

  • @alexander.yermolayev

    Can you try the solution provided by Jason and confirm if it helps?

    If it does not help, please post again, offering further insight into your question.

  • Hello, Jason @jason.ramchandani

    Many thanks for the advice, this helped to solve the issue.

    I am not sure what changed in the last two-three weeks on Refinitiv side or our side that these requests were now blocked by the firewall. Maybe there was a change in policies on both sides.

    We managed to resolve the issue after two weeks of prodding in different directions.

  • @alexander.yermolayev OK great news - just wanted to wish you happy holidays!

  • The 500 Internal Server Error is a very general HTTP status code that means something has gone wrong on the website's server but the server could not be more specific on what the exact problem is. mcdvoice

  • A client met the same issue with

    • Python version is 3.8.8
    • Eikon library version is 1.1.14
    • Httpx library version is 0.21.1
    • Nest-asyncio version is 1.5.1

    And below is code, does proxy setting in python allowed?


  • Hi @Huiru.Huang

    Please do not ask a new question in the question with an accepted answer.

    Moderator or Advocate may miss it.

    The code you show here looks valid to set up the proxy environment.

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