If I have a valid user credentials, is it possible to launch the Screening Online UI in client's app

If I have a valid user credentials, is it possible to launch the Screening Online UI in client's application using an API (or any other means) so that user doesn't need to input user credentials again?

Best Answer

  • Shweta Lal
    Answer ✓

    Hi @John Williams, The authentication mechanism for Screening Online UI is not a part of the API currently and has not been designed for what you have requested. This will need additional development effort from our end and unfortunately right now we are not into doing new development for enhancements to the API. Its only bug fixing fro now if any.

    Let me know if you have any more queries.


  • Hi, @John Williams, once you have valid user credentials you can login to application
    via Internet Browser using the link - https://screeningpilot.accelus.com
    and cross check your credentials and see at high level on what pages, features
    are available. To be able to use it further via API the only way is using XML requests/responses via whichever
    development platform you are using to develop the API. You can download WSDLs
    that we have for all our API features, format your request as described in the
    WSDL, using the credentials and send requests to our servers and receive the
    responses. Please have a look at the documentation section of this portal to
    help you further.

    If you are still not clear please let me know and I can
    arrange a call or demo for you on API.