EMA Java API: Getting hundreds of "Received an item event without user specified pointer or stream i

I'm using pre-recorded data and the sink_driven_src tool for playback. I'm requesting multiple batches using the example370 from the Java examples as an example template. What could I be missing, or is there likely something wrong with the recorded rwf file?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Raven,

    I can replicate the same message when connecting to sink_driven_src.

    From my test, it relates to the OpenWindow limit defined in sink_driven_src. The default value is 256.

    -w                    Open window (256)

    OpenWindow defines the maximum number of outstanding requests (i.e. requests for items not yet open) that the
    service will allow at any given time.

    If items subscribed by Example370 is more than this OpenWindow limit, the example will show the following error message.

    Jul 12, 2016 11:11:59 AM com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.ItemCallbackClient defaultMsgCallback
    SEVERE: loggerMsg
    ClientName: ItemCallbackClient
    Severity: Error
    Text: Received an item event without user specified pointer or stream info
    Consumer Name Consumer_1_1
    RsslReactor 7db55e6e
    RsslReactorChannel e4ac83c
    RsslSelectableChannel 4f9fe278

    You can avoid this error by using -w option in sink_driven_src to increase the value of OpenWindow.

    Please try this -w option and let us know the result.


  • Could you please provide more information about this issue?

    For example:

    - version of the sink driven source

    - the pre-recorded data... was it recorded with the same sink driven source ?

    if not, what was used for the recording

    - please attach the pre-recorded data file


  • This is good news. Unfortunately, I can't test this out at the moment, due to the NPE ( my other question, raised in this forum). As you are getting the same error, this feels like the solution I need. I wasn't setting -w. I will respond, as soon as the other issue is resolved. Thanks.

  • This is good news. Unfortunately, I can't test this out at the moment, due to the NPE ( my other question, raised in this forum). As you are getting the same error, this feels like the solution I need. I wasn't setting -w. I will respond, as soon as the other issue is resolved. Thanks.

  • EMA Java 3.0.3.L1 / Elektron SDK
    1.0.7 is available here. It contains the fix of this issue.