How do I authenticate for requests PUT in Python?

I have problems getting requests.put working on the api in Python. The same way of authentication that works with GET and POST do not work with PUT. I want to make calls to this:

PUT /cases/{caseSystemId}/ongoingScreening

I have the following things defined in my .env file:

REFINITIV_API_KEY      = abc111

How do I use this to make PUT calls in Python using the requests library? We are using Python 3.8.5. I am running Debian WSL on Windows 10. Everything I tried so far gives me the HTTP401 error. I know the keys work because GET and POST on other endpoints work with them.

Best Answer

  • @johan,

    I see a time difference between request and response headers of more than 30 seconds.

    Can you please check the clock and try again?


  • @johan

    Can you please share the request and the response headers of the failed request? Also, can you please confirm the content of dataToSign which you are passing for the PUT request?


    PUT headers = {
    "Date": "Tue, 16 Feb 2021 13:28:15 GMT",
    "Authorization": "Signature keyId=\"CENCORED1\",algorithm=\"hmac-sha256\",headers=\"(request-target) host date\",signature=\"CENCORED2=\""

    result.status_code = 401
    result.headers = {'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=15552000, includeSubdomains', 'Authorization': 'WWW-Authenticate: Signature realm="World-Check One API",algorithm="hmac-sha256",headers="(request-target) host date content-type content-length"', 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked', 'Date': 'Tue, 16 Feb 2021 13:31:55 GMT', 'Server': '""'}
  • What do you mean by dataToSign?

  • The case_system_id I use right now is a few minutes old and I got that from making a screening request on a random name we made up.

  • Fugerad it out I think. I get 204 status back when I PUT to the endpoint with users caseSystemId. The problem was with signing the header I think.