Disable Error message box in RFA


I'm trying to disable the "RFA Internal Failure" dialog. I would like to replace it with my own exception handling.

I have tried to edit my .cfg file according to section 2.8 in the configuration guide and i'm testing by removing the RFA8_MsgFile120_x64.dll file

Best Answer

  • @ce kirkerud

    I'm not sure what version of RFA you are using and is this 32 bit application running on 64 bit ?or it's 64 bit application. If it's 32 bit application running on 64 bit you have to change the registry to Wow6432Node according to Microsoft.



  • @ce kirkerud

    You can't replace RFA Internal Failure dialog with you own exception handling. RFA has internal thread to catch unhandled exception and it usually reports the exception in pops up dialog(winndows). No configuration to disable the RFA exception handling and leave it throw to application layer.
    The message in the message file(RFA8_MsgFile120_x64.dll) is for RFA internal component logger message.

    However we have RFA configuration for turn off the message box pops up for internal RFA errors. You can set RFA_MESSAGEBOX_ENABLED to false in the windows registry under section


    RFA still generate RFA Internal Failure log under temp directly but no pops up. See below details the configuration from RFA Configuration Guide.


  • I have tried that, both with registry and the .cfg file but i can't get it to work. The box pops up anyway.

  • I have tried that, both with registry and the .cfg file but i can't get it to work. The box pops up anyway.

  • it can use with registry only, please check the details from RFA Config Guide.

    Can you export the registry you set the config? I would like to verify your setting.

  • @ce kirkerud

    I have tested below config with my registry and it work correctly. No pop up shows and it save the log in file specified in RFA_LOG_FILENAME under running directory instead.

    "RFA_LOG_FILENAME" = "rfa_verify.log"
  • export-reg.txt

    Here is my export from registry

  • That was the problem. I tested RFA7 which is 32 bit, so with Wow3432Node it worked. Thanks.

  • Another thing, in the configuration guide, D.4.2 it looks like

    RFA_MESSAGEBOX_ENABLED kan be defined in the .cfg file. Is that impossible?

  • According to Config Guide, it supports Registry only.


     Registry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Reuters\RFA\Default]

     File: N/A

  • In the configuration guide chapter D.4.2 it looks like the messagebox setting can be configured in the .cfg file. Is that not possible?

  • Which version of RFA are you using? I cannot find the chapter D.4.2 in the configuration guide of RFA 8.0 version.

  • I'm using rfanet8.0.1.L1.win.rrg
    Its on page 75

    Document ID: RFAN800CG.150
    Document Version: 1.0
    Date of Issue: 24 July 2015

  • Thank you for the document version. Now, I understand your concern. It seems that the document is incorrect. The RFA_MESSAGEBOX_ENABLED is available only on Registry. I will pass this information to RFA development to fix the document.