rmdstestclient rssl mount No service status events received after five seconds.

Can anyone here see any mistake on the parameters? It just return nothing.

But it works if I change it to ssl.

/rmdstestclient -S $FEED -ct rssl -h $HOST -u $USER -v -f $RICLIST -X -d 3 -t 0

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓

    This could be a bug in rmdstestclient. Please use -l stdout option to print the XML to the standard output.

    rmdstestclient -S $FEED -ct rssl -h $HOST -u $USER -v -f $RICLIST -X -d 3 -t 0 -l stdout

    If rmdstestclient sends the source directory with serviceId="0", it means that rmdstestclient has this bug. You need to use the new version of rmdstestclient. You can get the new version of rmdstestlicent from ADS package.

    <requestMsg rwfMajorVer="0" rwfMinorVer="0" mType="RWF_MT_SOURCE" streamId="2" dataFormat="RSSL_DF_NO_DATA" requestFlags="0x4" dataSize="0">
    <key flags="0x9" serviceId="0" filter="255"/>

    <refreshMsg rwfMajorVer="0" rwfMinorVer="0" mType="RWF_MT_SOURCE" streamId="2" dataFormat="RSSL_DF_MAP" refreshFlags="0x168" groupId ="0" dataState="RSSL_DATA_OK" streamState="RSSL_STREAM_OPEN" code="RSSL_SC_NONE" text="" dataSize="5">
    <key flags="0x9" serviceId="0" filter="255"/>
    <map flags="0" countHint="0" keyDataType="RSSL_DT_UINT64" dataFormat="RSSL_DF_FILTER_LIST" >

    With this issue, the output from rmdstestclient is:

    Received source directory response.

    No service status events received after five seconds.
    Service events should be returned immediately.
    Data cannot be requested until services are available.