What are the possible Status Code Values from get_timeseries() - Eikon API R

So far I found that the function can return a StatusCode value of either "Normal" or "Error".

I want to know if the function can possibly return any other values? I want to use it as sort of an error check to see if the function returned any valid data.

Best Answer

  • I suppose you're asking about the StatusCode returned as part of JSON object when you set raw_output parameter of get_timeseries method to True, right? If this is what you're asking about, then the REST API that returns JSON object is not public. It is not documented and is subject to change without notice. StatusCode is returned separately for each RIC in the request. To the best of my knowledge 'Error' is the only value that signifies there's a problem with the data returned for the RIC. However, the request may also return an error that is not specific to any RIC in the request, in which case StatusCode may not be present in the response. Here's an example of the request that returns an error due to incorrect format for date inputs.

    get_timeseries('EUR=', raw_output=TRUE, debug=TRUE, start_date='2021-07-01', end_date='2021-07-10')

    The response payload is

    "{\"ErrorCode\":1422,\"ErrorMessage\":\"Can not process metadata for request: TimeSeries.enddate - invalid format, must be 2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00 or 2006-01-02T15:04:05+07:00 or 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z\"}"