How to get CLIENT WATCHLIST result in WorldCheck?

How to get CLIENT WATCHLIST result in WorldCheck?

Best Answer

  • @casim

    I suspect the endpoint details you have copied are incomplete.

    I am pasting a sample request and response below for your reference wherein I have screened against my watchlist and for you to identify the matches of the watchlist from the screening results look for the attribute "referenceId" wherein the value will have a prefix "e_clwl_*****" whereas the matches against the World-Check data will have a "referenceId" value with a prefix "e_tr_wci_******"

    Even the sources value will have a prefix "b_clwl_****" whereas the sources for hits from World-Check data will have a value with the prefix "b_trwc_****"

    You can see both of these in the sample response below:


        POST / v2 / cases / screeningRequest HTTP / 1.1
    Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2021 17: 01: 35 GMT
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    "groupId": "5l8v5wy0e5**********",
    "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
    "caseId": "TESTWC",
    "providerTypes": [
    "name": "John Smith",
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    "secondaryFields": [
    "typeId": "SFCT_1",
    "value": "MALE"
    "typeId": "SFCT_2",
    "dateTimeValue": "1986-08-23"
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    "value": "AFG"
    "typeId": "SFCT_4",
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    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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                    "Special Interest Categories"
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                "category": "CRIME - NARCOTICS",
                "providerType": "WATCHLIST",
                "gender": "MALE"

    Let me know if you have any questions.


  • I am using the following API detail, please tell me how to find client watchlist result from it. In this result we have find both results, please tell me how we find only client watchlist result?

    cURL :{case_system_id}


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