Configuration to get ADH to connect to RFA interactive provider application?


I am working on a project to augment the MARKET_PRICE feed with IEP/IEV fields. I need to cover a wide range of stock codes but only when they are requested so as to keep resource usage low. I would like to create a new service on my companies ADH with the additional feilds, and have the ADH request those fields from my provider application and then blend(?) those fields with the existing MARKET_PRICE service(marketfeed) into some third field.

I am somewhat familiar with RFA Java, however I don't know how to get the ADH to connect with it.

Thank you

Best Answer

  • To configure ADH to connect to the RFA Java interactive provider, you need to use installation tools (tsetup, tconfig, tcommit, ...) inside the ADH package to create a new service and add a new RSSL route to the TREP configuration file (rmds.cnf).

    You should start with Appendix A Fast-Track Installation Procedure in the ADH installation guide and Overview of Installation and Configuration Utilities (Install_Tools_30.pdf). You can find the documents in the ADH installation package.