Response 404 with no body

I am getting back a 404 when attempting to create a case in the pilot environment, but there is no error details. According to the documentation, I should be receiving an Error array, but the body is empty. I'm using these parameters:

Endpoint:, Method=POST

Body: {"secondaryFields":[{"value":"AUS","typeId":"SFCT_6","dateTimeValue":null}],"providerTypes":["WATCHLIST"],"name":"Aus T1768","caseId":"0017E000005k0PYQAY","groupId":"e6b0cb9a-73e8-408e-a206-482c93c8d7e5","entityType":"ORGANISATION"}

Best Answer

  • ivan
    Answer ✓

    Issue was that I was using an incorrect input string for the HMAC. Once I corrected this, the call worked.


  • Hi @ivan,

    I assume you have a REST environment setup and have tested a simple command like:

    SEQ-1a "Get my top-level groups", from the Postman collection: {{protocol}}{{gateway-host}}{{gateway-url}}groups

    If so, then the best way to ensure you create a correctly formatted request is to use the caseTemplate method in the groups Web Service. If you've loaded the Postman collection, this is SEQ-1c "get the case template for a group".

    GET {{protocol}}{{gateway-host}}{{gateway-url}}groups/{{group-id}}/caseTemplate

    That will give you the proper format for your request.

    My test group caseTemplate is below.

    Note: I used the Insert Code button CODE on the menu above to make it easier for you to read. With the case template you can replace the fields with your information and remove the fields where you have no data. Then at the top of the request add the rest of your request fields, entityType, providerTypes, and name. Look at SEQ-2d for an example of a "save a case: Organization" request.

    Hope this helps,


    SEQ-1c Return Request:

    "groupId": "418f28a7-b9c9-4ae4-8530-819c61b1ca6c",
    "groupScreeningType": "CASE_MANAGEMENT_AUDIT",
    "customFields": [
    "typeId": "eb90d851-ee59-442a-a28e-3aef6516e0f2",
    "fieldValueType": "TEXT",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": false,
    "label": "Reference"
    "typeId": "8aaa71b1-efe7-48fb-9f91-88842a5112a4",
    "fieldValueType": "TEXT",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": false,
    "label": "Territory"
    "typeId": "885144e3-1c2b-4a2e-aa33-9c9d145e38f0",
    "fieldValueType": "TEXT",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": false,
    "label": "Primary Contact"
    "secondaryFieldsByProvider": {
    "watchlist": {
    "secondaryFieldsByEntity": {
    "individual": [
    "typeId": "SFCT_1",
    "fieldValueType": "GENDER",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": false,
    "label": "GENDER"
    "typeId": "SFCT_2",
    "fieldValueType": "DATE",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": false,
    "label": "DATE_OF_BIRTH"
    "typeId": "SFCT_3",
    "fieldValueType": "COUNTRY",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": false,
    "label": "COUNTRY_LOCATION"
    "typeId": "SFCT_4",
    "fieldValueType": "COUNTRY",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": false,
    "label": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH"
    "typeId": "SFCT_5",
    "fieldValueType": "COUNTRY",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": false,
    "label": "NATIONALITY"
    "vessel": [
    "typeId": "SFCT_7",
    "fieldValueType": "TEXT",
    "regExp": "[0-9]{7}",
    "fieldRequired": false,
    "label": "IMO_NUMBER"
    "organisation": [
    "typeId": "SFCT_6",
    "fieldValueType": "COUNTRY",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": false,
    "passportCheck": {
    "secondaryFieldsByEntity": {
    "individual": [
    "typeId": "SFCT_8",
    "fieldValueType": "TEXT",
    "regExp": ".{0,1000}",
    "fieldRequired": true,
    "typeId": "SFCT_9",
    "fieldValueType": "TEXT",
    "regExp": ".{0,1000}",
    "fieldRequired": true,
    "label": "PASSPORT_LAST_NAME"
    "typeId": "SFCT_10",
    "fieldValueType": "GENDER",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": true,
    "label": "PASSPORT_GENDER"
    "typeId": "SFCT_11",
    "fieldValueType": "STATE",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": true,
    "typeId": "SFCT_12",
    "fieldValueType": "STATE",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": true,
    "typeId": "SFCT_13",
    "fieldValueType": "DATE",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": true,
    "typeId": "SFCT_14",
    "fieldValueType": "PASSPORT_DOCUMENT_TYPE",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": true,
    "typeId": "SFCT_15",
    "fieldValueType": "TEXT",
    "regExp": "^[a-zA-Z0-9<]{0,1000}$",
    "fieldRequired": true,
    "label": "PASSPORT_ID_NUMBER"
    "typeId": "SFCT_16",
    "fieldValueType": "DATE",
    "regExp": null,
    "fieldRequired": true,

    SEQ-2d Request: "Save a case: Organization"

    "value":"custom field 1 sample value"
    "value":"custom field 2 sample value"
    "value":"mandatory custom field sample value"
  • I am not using postman. I am attempting to integrate the sanction check call into a CRM system, and making the request from the back end.

  • I am not using postman. I am attempting to integrate the sanction check call into a CRM system, and making the request from the back end. This doesn't answer my question.

  • I removed the date in your code as the Registered Country secondary field you selected has no date parameter...



  • I still don't understand why I didn't get a response body? That would of made it much easier.

    So does this mean that I can have either a date value or a text value?

  • @brian.bourgault So I can send either a date value or a text value, but not both?

  • brian.bourgault ♦♦

    I have rewrote my integration point. The request no longer has the issue you highlighted:

    {"secondaryFields":[{"typeId":"SFCT_6","value":"AUS"}],"providerTypes":["WATCHLIST"],"name":"Aus T1768","caseId":"0017E000005k0PYQAY","groupId":"e6b0cb9a-73e8-408e-a206-482c93c8d7e5","entityType":"ORGANISATION"}

    However, the response remains 404, without a response body.

  • Any update on this issue?