Custom Field and data coming from SAP


Our WC-1 system is interface with our SAP and we created a custom field in our group in order to send the country to WC-1 from SAP.

We get the follonwing error when we launch the request mention just below :

[{"error":"INVALID_CUSTOM_FIELD","cause":"Custom fields which are not defined for the group cannot be used. Available custom fields are provided in the group's case template."}]

Our Request :

{"secondaryFields":[],"entityType":"UNSPECIFIED","customFields":[{"typeId":"LOCATION","value":"Brazil SAO PAULO"}],"groupId":"5jb6brf7dkck1fm7iw9st1w4q","providerTypes":["WATCHLIST"],"name":"SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE MICROBIOLOG CH40","caseId":"0030030774S","nameTransposition":true}

Thanks by advance for your feedbacks and help.


Best Answer


    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    Can you confirm for which user you were trying to initiate the API call. As i can see multiple users are associated with your Prod and pilot account. So, we request you please help us with the user name & environment, we need this details to troubleshoot further.

    Moreover, you can use the API call "SEQ-pre-group-case-template: Get the case template for a group" to know the custom fields associated with your groupId.

