What is RDMLogin?

Hello, I'm new to refinitiv.

Could you tell me what is RDMLogin stream?

I faced below message at nasdaq open time.

Is there any Docs or URL that guides RDM Login Concept?

    ClientName: LoginCallbackClient
    Severity: Warning
    Text:    RDMLogin stream state was changed to suspect with status message
        username <not set>
        usernameType <not set>

        State: Open/Suspect/None - text: ""

Best Answer


  • Hi @goodsgjung

    The RDMLogin stream state defines the state of your login with the server. This message is generated by the server indicating some issues with the credentials when EMA logged into the server. Given you are new to Refinitiv, I would suggest you go through the Quickstart guide within the developer community. This will provide some guidance to ensure your are properly entitled to access your realtime servers. Perhaps, you may need credentials to access this service within your setup.