ChannelCallbackClient Error Message Occured Regularly at Specific Time (Market Open, Market Close Ti

Hello, I need help. Give me some tips.

I'm new to Refinitiv EMA API, and developing new price retrieving service.

I made server program using java, and get some specific message regulary at same time same message.

(I'm using Nasdaq Basic (NB Ric))

See below error message.

The time '20:00:00' is equal to Market Close Time.

Because my server time zone is different time zone.

But, Why ChannelDownReconnecting message occured Not at 20:00:00 ?

( It seems to server message occurred at 19:59:SS, Why Not at 20:00:SS ?

I think it must be occured at 20:00:SS.)

2021:10:18 19:59:32.720 WARN  --- [pool-13-thread-1] c.t.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl : loggerMsg
ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient
Severity: Warning
Text: Received ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel AAA_DATA_CHANNEL_1
RsslReactor @71bfe863
RsslChannel @200a268f
Error Id 0
Internal sysError 0
Error Location null
Error text Connection reset

2021:10:18 19:59:32.721 WARN --- [pool-13-thread-1] c.t.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl : loggerMsg
ClientName: LoginCallbackClient
Severity: Warning
Text: RDMLogin stream state was changed to suspect with status message
username <not set>
usernameType <not set>

State: Open/Suspect/None - text: ""

2021:10:18 19:59:32.721 INFO --- [pool-13-thread-1] a.w.d.listeners.RefinitivListener : 레피니티브 STATUS 컨슈머 메시지 StatusMsg
domain="MarketPrice Domain"
state="Open / Suspect / None / 'channel down.'"

2021:10:18 19:59:55.234 INFO --- [pool-13-thread-1] a.w.d.listeners.RefinitivListener : 레피니티브 STATUS 컨슈머 이벤트 com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.OmmEventImpl@7ae9c209
2021:10:18 19:59:55.234 INFO --- [pool-13-thread-1] a.w.d.listeners.RefinitivListener : 레피니티브 STATUS 컨슈머 메시지 StatusMsg
domain="MarketPrice Domain"
state="Open / Suspect / None / 'channel down.'"


2021:10:18 20:00:07.968 INFO --- [pool-13-thread-1] c.t.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl : loggerMsg
ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient
Severity: Info
Text: Received ChannelUp event on channel AAA_DATA_CHANNEL_1
Instance Name AAA_CONSUMER_1_1
Component Version ads3.3.3.L1.linux.tis.rrg 64-bit

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @goodsgjung

    The "Received ChannelDownReconnecting event " log message means the connection between API and the ADS server was disconnected, and the API was trying to recover it.

    Please enable the XML Trace message in the EmaConfig.xml file, then share the XML trace messages when the problem occurs to let us check the issue in more detail. You can find more detail regarding the EMA XML Trace on the Enterprise Message API (EMA) - Configuration Overview article.

    Additionally, are there any error log messages on the server side? Does the application have any logic to close the connection at a specific time? You may check the guidance from this previous post too.


  • Hi @goodsgjung

    You posted a similar question at Channel Callback Client recieved ChannelDownReconnecting Message - Forum | Refinitiv Developer Community - but you have not responded to the suggestions made.

    When a disconnect is happening regularly at a particular period of market activity, this is often due to "slow consumer" where the application cannot cope with the increase in the volume of updates during that market activity period, this causes the buffer for the application on the server to overflow and the server then disconnects the application.

    Although the above may not be the case for your application - it is quite often the explanation.

    Please read the linked posts in the other question.