Does the EMA API support Ubuntu OS?

When running the EMA C++ example 450 on a Ubuntu OS, met the following error:

Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='Failed to query service discovery (rsslReactorQueryServiceDiscovery).' Error Id='-1' Internal sysError='0' Error Location='/local/jenkins/workspace/ESDKCore_RCDEV/OS/RH8-64/rcdev/source/rtsdk/Cpp-C/Eta/Impl/Reactor/rsslReactor.c:1307' Error Text='Failed to send a request to the token service. Text: </local/jenkins/workspace/ESDKCore_RCDEV/OS/RH8-64/rcdev/source/rtsdk/Cpp-C/Eta/Impl/Reactor/Util/rsslRestClientImpl.c:1595> Error: failed to perform the request with text: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)'. ', Error Code='-1'

Tried to reinstall the certificates and the checked the (curl works) curl command result to the token service and service discovery url, cannot resolve it.

1. Do we support Ubuntu? I cannot find the 'Compatibility Matrix' mentioned in the installation doc 'For supported OS and compilers, refer to the Compatability Matrix'

2. How to resolve the above error.

Many thanks.


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