Do we have static ip for the

Doe we have static IP bound to which can be used in firewall configuration instead of url

Best Answer


  • Many thanks

    The client encounters the issue that their DNS cannot map the IP to the same URL as "" (will actually be mapped to some aws endpoint url), so they would like to have the IPs that can be configured in their firewall. Do you have some suggestions on the DNS / firewall configuration to mitigate this? Or some DNS configuration is required?

  • Hello @Frederic

    Do you mean the client cannot map 75.x.x.x and 99.x.x.x IP Addresses to the

  • yes yes, so their app network connection cannot pass their firewall configured with URL rules
  • Hello @Frederic

    The 75.x.x.x. and 99.x.x.x IPs are the AWS Elastic IP which is the static IPv4 that can be accessed from the public internet.

    Does the client has any firewall, network policies, or even in the region that blocks the public internet or Amazon AWS?

    Please be informed that there is the Delivery Connect that lets the client connect to RDP via a private network as well.

  • The client has firewall. Currently they configure the firewall with the url, however, the ip of always maps to other aws endpoint urls, so as a result their firewall still blocks the access.

    Regarding the Delivery Connect option, is that free of charge and how to enable that?

  • Thanks for the information.
    The problem is the IP/URL accessed will be mapped to (or other AWS addresses) so it will be blocked by their firewall (not recognized as ""). Any I think it would be client's DNS configuration problem. just would like to know if we have any experience on this?

  • Hello @Frederic

    This is the first time I found this network issue in the Q&A forum. It might be something with the client DNS/network. I highly recommend you contact the RDP support team directly.