Service names for Elektron 3.0 based TREP

We are writing a consumer application to connect to TREP which supports Elektron 3.0.

In order to subscribe for prices, we are hoping to provide a DIRECT_FEED as the service name. Will that be supported by the TREP?

Is there a list of services that are supported by an Elektron 3.0 based TREP in general?

The existing (old) implementation is said to support IDN_Select_Feed for receiving prices. Will that be supported by the new TREP implementation as well or is this specific to individual TREP implementation?

Best Answer

  • chamindaa


    There is no list of services supported by TREP in general.

    I think the best approach would be to ask your Market
    Data team to confirm which service will be available to you. This will allow you to plan ahead of time.

    Or, once you are connected, you can request/review source directory, and see the available services.

    Or, make service name configurable, and substitute the correct one, making the app generic.


  • chamindaa


    There is no list of services supported by TREP in general.

    I think the best approach would be to ask your Market
    Data team to confirm which service will be available to you. This will allow you to plan ahead of time.

    Or, once you are connected, you can request/review source directory, and see the available services.

    Or, make service name configurable, and substitute the correct one, making the app generic.

  • Thanks for the reply.