ATS limit count posting?


Im currently using an ATS with a license limit of 5k opened items. I can see that this is counted by how many requests are sent between the ADH and the ATS. What I would like to know is if I have a non-interactive provider performing OMM posts to update the ATS cache, do those also count as opened items? If so might this be exploited by using the ATS_INSERT RIC?

Best Answer

  • Hi @RN

    Not a TREP expert, but I would imagine that if your OMM Posts were offstream then that should not count as an Open item. However, if you Posts were onstream then I would expect those to count as an Open item.


  • Yep, just found out about the _0 ATS RIC and did a test. Indeed, at least for offstream posting it does not count towards the opened items count.