I have a service visible in ADS monitor which initially has status UP when publisher connects to ADH


I would very much appreciate your assistance with an issue that I have been trying to solve for about 5 days now. If you need additional information then please let me know.

I have recently upgraded to ADH/ADS 3.5.1 on RHEL 7.6. Previously I had been using ADH/ADS 2.6.1 on RHEL 5.11 in a configuration that operated without issue. Taking that original configuration and replacing the ADS/ADH 2.6.1 with ADH/ADS 3.5.1 has led to a new situation where the connection between the publisher and ADH (whilst remaining in a good state throughout, AFAIK) somehow causes ADS to automatically close the service after about a 3 minute period of good operation.

The provider application which connects to ADH is using RFA 7.6 from a windows 10 platform, although, this issue also arises from Providers local on the same LINUX host ( a guest operating system in a Virtual Box VM hosted on Windows 10)

I have added the log files produced by ADH and ADS and the cnf file used.

Thanks for your help,



Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @iain.cadman

    Does the problem occur if you switch the ADH (just ADH) back to version 2.6.1? I am asking this question because there is a lot of changes in your environment (change OS, RTDS components, etc). Are there any changes on the RFA Provider application side?

    When the problem occurs, did the service between ADH and Provider is still UP?

    If you can replicate the issue on demand, please enable the RFA trace file and share the file when the problem occurs

    RFA Java:

    You can configure the following RFA Java configurations to enable the log file

    • <namespace>/Connections/<Connection Name>/ipcTraceFlags = 7
    • <namespace>/ Connections/<Connection Name>/mountTrace = True
    • <namespace>/ Connections/<Connection Name>/logFileName=<path to log file>

    RFA C++:

    • \Connections\<Connection Name>\traceMsgToFile = true
    • \Connections\<Connection Name>\traceMsgDomains = "all"
    • \Connections\<Connection Name>\traceMsgMaxMsgSize = 10000000
    • \Connections\<Connection Name>\traceMsgMultipleFiles = true
    • \Connections\<Connection Name>\traceMsgFileName = <path to log file>