How do I know which specific Cobalt server I'm hitting?

What is the machine name or ip address that I'm hitting when I use a Cobalt domain (e.g.,

Best Answer


  • I found out that "web_pm" indicates the "pool member" for Website. There are others too, like "sea_pm" for the Search pool member, etc.
  • You aren't hitting "A" server when you go to a cobalt/next domain as there are mulitiple "modules" (Search, Website, Document, Foldering, etc) that handle specific functionality the makes up the product. When you sign in, you are assigned to an instance group, which is a grouping of 1 or more of each module instance (e.g. 2 Website instance, 2 Search instances, etc). All of your requests will typically stay within the same instance group during the life of your session (unless there is a system issue in which case you might be "moved" to a different instance group. Any given request could go do a different instance within the instance group. Big I.P VIPs along with iRules are used to route individual requests to the correct instance group and server instances.
  • Does that mean one user session should stay in one instance group only till the session logout? Can't the user session jump to different instance group? Is this controlled by persistence in load balancer?