Handling 'F10: Service Down' for all open streams


We received the 'F10: Service down' message from the ADS and were able to recover only via a restart of our consumer. We are using the ema API. What is the recommended way to handle this situation?



Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @irina.ananie

    The F10 message you see indicates that the particular service you are consuming has become unavailable on the ADS you are connected to. Once the service becomes available again, the ADS should send out an unsolicited refresh for all the impacted items and continue with updates as normal - you should not need to restart your consumer.

    Please speak to your Market Data Admin team that looks after the ADS to try and determine why the service went down and when it recovered.

    If you continue to experience this behaviour you may need to enable the low-level trace on your EMA consumer to confirm if the ADS is sending you the RefreshMsg once the service recovers. Please refer to the XmlTrace related parameters in the EMA config guide which is included in the EMA\Docs folder of your RT-SDK installation.