ISO Country List


I am just trying to get round some issues with the character set of the ISO Country List API Call at /reference/countries. I have just noticed that it returns some odd characters in Postman around country codes as seen below:

CUW - Cura��ao

CIV - C��te d'Ivoire

Amongst others. the Character is a Diamond box with a question mark, I can only assume that this is a character set encoding issue which shouldn't happen if the response/request is being made via Unicode?

Can anyone shed any light on how to get round this issue?

Best Answer

  • Hi @john.crocker,

    The two characters are ç and ô that character encoding display issues.

    Curaçao and Côte d'lvoire (along with other international chars) can be typed using a couple methods. Because I often need to type international characters I setup my Windows PC to toggle between US and United States-International. (easy to do)

    Using US-International keyboard mode - French C cedilla ç is simply typed by holding down the (Right Alt Key) then press <

    Almost all the other accents are simply the accent key followed by the character

    So in US-I more type: ^ followed by o to produce ô

    ñ is ~ followed by n

    I checked both Postman chrome & Postman native version and does not seem to support these accent chars. Postman Native version returns 501: Not Implemented. Perhaps its an environment issue in Postman. These chars should work properly in WC-1 application and API.

    Hope this helps,

