'$$ER: E100,ACCESS DENIED when trying to pull data with datastream formula.


So I'm currently trying to get forecasted quarterly EPS that relies on IBES through the datastream formula. I'm a complete rookie when it comes to programming so I have zero idea why I'm getting denied acces. Even through my university network, I still don't get permission. This step is quite crucial for my data collection.

The formula that I'm trying to use is

=DSGRID("TR#BESHAR";"EPSI1MN,EPSI2MN, EPSI3MN, EPSI4MN";"-6Y";"-1Y";"Y";"RowHeader=true;ColHeader=true;DispSeriesDescription=true;YearlyTSFormat=false;QuarterlyTSFormat=false;TimeSeriesList=true")

If anyone can help that would be amazing

Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    hi @Warsame ,

    Please find the answer from the support team below

    Access Denies error means the ID used does not have access to the data
    Since this is a University account, it's best if you reach out to the University Librarian for further assistance

    Plus, I tried to use your excel formula to retrieve the data but got an issue with syntax and got an answer from the support team as below

    The Series TR#BESHAR is not valid. Is this a user created list? If it does, it should start with L#
    I checked Navigator and it is not there:1658897280497.jpeg

    Just for reference, here's the sample formula which I have replicated using the formula you shared but using a different series

    Hope this helps


  • hi @Warsame ,

    Your question is about the Datastream for Office issue and the available functionality, rather than about Datastream API

    The best approach is to reach out to Datastream for Office support directly, by submitting the questions via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Product -> Eikon rather than posting on dev forums.

    To be of help, I have opened a
    support case on your behalf, case 11453753, please expect a Datastream for Office support expert to reach out to you shortly, via the email address
    that you have registered on the developers portal.