How to resolve : RFA.NET "RDMFieldDictionary.GetFidDef( Int16 ) --Fid: -1 not found (invalid value)


RFA error occurred during processing event:- ErrorType : 1 ClassificationType : 4 SeverityType : 1

RDMFieldDictionary.GetFidDef( Int16 ) --Fid: -1 not found (invalid value)

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    If you are using ATS (Refinitiv Real-Time Advanced Transformation Server), this field is defined by ATS.

    ! Using by ATS Contribution, clients are not suggested to redefine these fields.
    X_RIC_NAME                "RIC NAME"                    -1      NULL    ALPHANUMERIC    32  RMTES_STRING    32

    There are other fields defined by ATS. Their definitions are in the ATSFieldDictionary.add file in the ATS package.

    You need to contact your infrastructure team to get this file and then add these fileds' definitions into your field dictionary used by the application.


  • Hello @santosh.dhokane

    It seems the "AUDUSD=AXLE" RIC is your internal RIC that is published with the customized FID (-1, etc.) data.

    Please be informed that the consumer application needs to have the same dictionary information with those customized FIDs as the provider to parse incoming data.

  • Hi @wasin.w , is -1 a valid value? Getfiddef(short fieldID)

    As fieldID is from iterator over FieldList, it should not be less than 0.

    Please confirm/correct this.

  • Hello @santosh.dhokane

    Can you enable the RFA trace log to let us check incoming data? The RFA trace log contains incoming and outgoing messages between the API and server.

    You can set enable the RFA trace log with the following RFA configurations.

    \Connections\<Connection Name>\traceMsgToFile = true
    \Connections\<Connection Name>\traceMsgDomains = "all"
    \Connections\<Connection Name>\traceMsgMaxMsgSize = 10000000
    \Connections\<Connection Name>\traceMsgMultipleFiles = true
    \Connections\<Connection Name>\traceMsgFileName = <path to log file>

    Additionally, can you give us more information about your environment?

    • The version of RFA .Net
    • The version of OS
    • Etc.
  • @wasin.w please leave your point on this explanation.
  • Hello @santosh.dhokane

    Can you enable the RFA trace log to let us check incoming FID? The RFA trace log contains incoming and outgoing messages between the API and server.

    You can see my post below about how to enable the trace file.

  • @santosh.dhokane

    The FieldList data is based on incoming data from the Provider/RTDS.

  • Yes,
    @wasin.w logging the trace now.

    Observed for ELEKTRON_DD the value sent for GetFidDef is always positive. Testing for the AXLE service RIC.