How to configure EMAConfiguration.xml to connect to several ADS Pool ?


Comparing RFA and EMA, we interpret EMA config management via EMAConfig.xml is not as flexible as RFA.

From configuration file perspective, with RFA specifying one Session it is possible to connect to several Connections (not only resiliency pair, but several ADS group or silos), each connection / ADS pool providing different concrete service.

Only modifying RFA configuration (not modifying the RFA source code), we can add (in the session) a connection / pool of ADS, providing new services.

With EMAConfig.xml, we understand it is not feasible to add a new ADS Pool to be used by EMA application without source code modification. We interpret we only can specify via OmmConsumerConfig() one Consumer, and a single ChannelSet (ADS Pool) per consumer, is it correct ?

How to achieve with EMA Application configuration (as RFA), ADS pool addition (as RFA adding connection within session). ?

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Ludovic Moreau,

    Yes, EMA has traded some of the features of RFA for simplicity and performance reasons. RFA used to be able to dynamically route requests based on QOS and Service etc, which are not possible in EMA.

    If your application needs such an ability, it should not be too difficult to add this logic into your application code. Your app will need additional configuration parameters beyond what are provided by EMA config file.


  • Indeed it should not be too difficult, but hard coding platform design specificity is not convenient, it means depending of the deployment location of a client sofware using EMA API, we would have to fork the version.

    It is definitiverly comparing with RFA, a regression.

  • Hello @Ludovic Moreau

    Sorry for the inconvenience. Please be informed that You can submit an enhancement request to the product team via the Product Feedback page.

    Hope this helps.