Real Time Optimized (RTO) , EMA Java API


New RTO ( with EMA Java API ) user is getting below error message.

This user is under implementation and said that he got a response value normally when using OnRefreshMsg but there seems an error in using OnUpdateMsg .

Can you please guide what action this user should take?


ERROR com.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl -- loggerMsg

ClientName: LoginCallbackClient

Severity: Error

Text: RDMLogin stream was closed with status message


usernameType 1

State: Closed/Suspect/Internal error from sender - text: "Login Denied:Failed to validate sso token"


Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @bkquant

    I am sorry the hear that the client is facing the issue.

    The "Login Denied:Failed to validate sso token" error message is generated from the RTO, you may contact the RTO directly to help you verify the issue on the server side. You can submit a ticket to the RTO support team via the website.


    In the meantime, can you ask the client to give us more detail about the application, environment, and issue as follows?

    • EMA Java version
    • Java SDK version
    • Platform/OS
    • Can the client replicate the issue with the ex450_MP_QueryServiceDiscovery example?
    • Does the client use a single Machine ID per session or a single Machine ID with multiple sessions/applications?

    The client may try to enable the API log to turn on the HTTP REST messages between the API and the server. Please set the file (the file is available at <RTSDK- package>\Java\Ema\Core\src\main\resources folder) with the following pattern

    handlers=java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
    java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern=<absolute path to your log file location>//ema.log
    java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format=%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS.%1$tL %4$-7s %2$s %n%5$s

    Then run the application with the JVM argument -Djava.util.logging.config.file points to the file



    Please note that you can set the following properties on file for the log file roll-over:

    • java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit=the maximum number of bytes to write to any one file
    • java.util.logging.FileHandler.count= the number of files to use


  • Hi @wasin.w,

    Thank you for your comment.

    1) Can you please guide me where to find ex450_MP_QueryServiceDiscovery example ?

    2) Regarding below questions, can you please guide me how client check below ?

    • Does the client use a single Machine ID per session or a single Machine ID with multiple sessions/applications?
  • Hello @bkquant @hyunjeong.shim

    Please see my answers below:


    The example is available in the RTSDK Java package. It is in the <RTSDK Java pacakage>\Java\Ema\Examples\src\main\java\com\refinitiv\ema\examples\training\consumer\series400 folder. The client can download the SDK package from the SDK download page.

    About "Does the client use a single Machine ID per session/application or a single Machine ID with multiple sessions/applications?", I cannot help with this question. The client is the one who uses the Machine ID account, so you need to ask the client directly how they use the account.

  • Hi @wasin.w

    Client said if he moves to an area other than the initial developed area (IP) location or use a connection with a hotspot, an error related to sso session token (EMA onUpdateMsg ) occurs. The data communication is possible normally with the initial connected IP.

    So client's question is, is it normal for this error to occur when there is an IP change like this?

  • Hello @hyunjeong.shim @bkquant

    Please be informed that the API sends the IP Address to the RTO Streaming server as a "Position" information as part of the OMM login/authentication process by default. The Position, together with ApplicationId, helps the upstream infrastructure component to identify the client connection.


    I highly recommend you ask the client to apply and contact the Real-Time API support team (RDC) to check this behavior in more detail. The client can contact the RDC team via the "Contact premium support" button on the RTSDK Java page
