Passwords or OnePass credentials for WestlawNext

Is there a spreadsheet or someone (maybe from testing) that I can talk with to get passwords or OnePass credentials for use during development for certain features or credentials that have specific subscription types?

Best Answer

  • Another place you can check out passwords for two weeks at a time is the [WLN Passwords][1] website. I believe this resolves the issue of checking out/checking in passwords so you don't run into two people using them at one time... [1]:


  • This page contains a list of passwords. Initially, this was a list of passwords used by the testing group, but I believe that developer passwords will be added to this page in the near future.
  • I've used those passwords in the past and I know we iPad developers use them for various Client ID scenarios. Please use with discretion, as changes are made from time to time to specific passwords via the web2 admin site so that even more scenarios may be tested.
  • We run into this need daily on the iPad team. One of the difficulties is that multiple people using the same password is very frequent and can be a development nightmare. Perhaps a simple check-out policy could be implemented to centralize and resolve these issues.