The WebSocket API doesn't always return the State information within a REFRESH

I noticed when requesting for market data using the WebSocket API, the REFRESH doesn't always include the State information. Specifically, if I submit a streaming request, which is the default, no State information is returned. However, I can see State details when I make a Non-streaming request.

Reading the documentation, it states:

"The state of the event stream when using the request/response with interest paradigm. All nonstreaming requests will contain a stream state of non-streaming."

It is not clear from this description if the above behavior is intentional. In fact, I'm not sure what the above is actually saying.

Best Answer

  • jim.carroll
    Answer ✓


    If the Refresh does not include the State, it can be assumed that the StreamState is "Open" and the DataState is "Ok". We will work to clarify the description.


  • The State Information is provided from ADS not created by EWA. If ADS don't send the State information, EWA couldn't return it. So please check the message from ADS see if it contains the State information.

  • The WebSocket API is effectively a Server side service within the ADS. When making the same request to the same ADS using an alternative market data API you will receive State information.

  • Hi nick, EWA(Elektron Web API) is not a Server side service, it is only an API which get data from ADS. so all the messages which EWA get are from ADS ( news or some time-series may come from IDS), so if the ADS don't provide the State information, EWA won't return it.

  • Thanks Jim. Yes, I was already assuming Òpen and OK just wanted to confirm if this was intentional.