What permission levels exist in DataRoom and what do they imply?

Where can I find documentation about the permission levels that can be assigned to entities (e.g. Folders) and what rights those permissions imply? Is there general documentation about the DataRoom security model?

Best Answer


  • I will try to answer the second question for you - DataRoom users are associated to the product user in SAP on that individuals subscription. The product can be Concourse, WestlawNext, or any other product that you would normally see in OnePass. One thing that is different about DataRoom is the User (DATAROOM prism USER) can not be added into OnePass. Security works this way: 1. Get a TransferToken from OnePass. 2. Send this transfer Token to the WorkProductToken Module in DataRoom (remember to ask for admin check if you need admin items). 3. WPT service will get the user GUID from OnePass that the transfer token was created on behalf of. 4. WPT service will call MIS to get the DataRoom GUID associated with that product GUID. 5. (optional if admin is asked for) WTP will call Prism to identify Admin flags. 6. WPT will create a WorkProductToken (added to http headers), and a URI userID for the duration of the token. I have a PPT that describes this process if you want to contact me - I am not sure if it is loaded to a DataRoom Wiki.
  • One additional note. I do make modifications to the permissions matrix from time to time as new stories come in, as business decide changes to rules in here, etc. So you will want to keep referring back to link to have the latest information.