We have multiple elektron services running on a given host (delayed, non-delayed, etc.). How do I sp

We have multiple elektron services running on a given host (delayed, non-delayed, etc.). How do I specify which service the websocket connection will use?

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Use the service name as the part of key, when opening the subscription:

    "ID": 2,
    "Domain": "MarketPrice",
    "Key": {
    "Name": "IBM.N",
    "Service": "IDN_SELECTFEED"
    "Streaming": true


  • It's mildly annoying that the "Service" field isn't there in the sample code, even commented out.

  • Many thanks - would it be possible to have "Key"=>"Service" and "Key"=>"ServiceId" added to the docs?

    @Gurpreet. I notice you also using the "Streaming" field - can that be added also?

  • These and dozens of other fields are documented in the EWA developer guide available here.

    See the description of Request message structure in Table 12.