Why did I get an error with using my safe id and password

When filling in the first time user page I complete the boxes with company, Thomson Reuters and the other box I need to deal with is the one that says I agree with the terms, but it says that an illegal entry was made. Support has created a ticket. Email me with any questions.

I am working with product insight to find articles that should be on the product insight hub page. Thanks.


  • Hi @Larry.Glerum,

    Can you include some more details in your question? Is this related to an API/Product? What are you trying to sign in to?

  • I am trying to get to articles found on the internal TR developer page.

    https://developers.thomsonreuters.com/first-time-login is where I get the error.

  • Hi @Larry.Glerum,

    I'm not sure what "internal TR developer page" you are referring to but all the articles are available on our home page and you don't need to log in.

    Also, you can use your SAFE login as opposed to creating a new log in which is what it appears you are doing.


    Hope this helps


  • I don't know how else to explain this. First, I can get on the public Hub page, but I do not find the articles I am looking for. When I try to sign in to the developer page to see all the articles, I get a first time sign in page. It has some basic info. about me, my architect says is building a profile, and then I have to agree with terms of gaining access. When I try to process this basic info, it says I have entered illegal info. I don't know why there is a disconnect. I have limited access unless I can sign in. I am trying to sing in using my SAFE account. You can chat with Nicolaus Hauschild at TR. Thanks.

  • @Larry.Glerum

    This is forum is related to the Developer Community, not the public Hub page. Are you not trying to access the link I provide above?


    You should not be jumping to a sign in page at all. Please try the above link.

  • This link brings to the front page, where I cannot find the articles I am looking for. I need to sign in to access the articles. I have talked with someone else about this, what is the disconnect. My job is to find PI sourced articles and migrate them to the PI site. I cannot see the articles from this page. Thank you for your help.

  • Hi @Larry.Glerum,

    I can only speak to the articles on the Developer Community which you can access. I don't know what articles you are looking for or where they are.


  • Nick, I was out of the office. I would love the help @nick.zincone.1