What purpose does the Position field in a Login request serve? It states: "The IP address position

What purpose does the Position field in a Login request serve? It states: "The IP address position of the application logging in" but seems work with localhost.

Best Answer

  • Position, together with ApplicationId, helps the upstream infrastructure component to identify the client connection.

    There can be one, or more, instances of the same application, with the same ApplicationId, connecting to the same infra.


  • Position, together with ApplicationId, helps the upstream infrastructure component to identify the client connection.

    There can be one, or more, instances of the same application, with the same ApplicationId, connecting to the same infra.

  • Position, together with ApplicationId, helps the upstream infrastructure component to identify the client connection.

    There can be one, or more, instances of the same application, with the same ApplicationId, connecting to the same infra.

  • I see for the Websocket API it states to use 256 for the ApplicationId. It also requires a unique username/password pair per session so we could only have 1 instance of our application connect. I wonder if it is ok to use "localhost" if we will only have 1 instance connecting?

  • Hello @vikas.khurana ,

    I suggest not using appId of 256 and position of localhost.

    This information serves to identify the connection to the infrastructure. It is used If there is a need to troubleshoot/debug on the infra side, this is what the infra log will reflect, and this will not be informative.

    AppId=256 and postion of are defaults and will work, as well as other position such as localhost or another word.