How to dump the item database for the publications made over the TREP platform?

I am tried ADHMON Service Stats -> Service Name -> Attributes section and also ADHMON Process Statistics -> DumpDb, but either of the output files havn't captured the published data except the subscriptions made.

Appreciate some advise/tips?

Best Answer

  • ron.bove.1
    Answer ✓

    Hi Sunil,

    You are correct. That command will only dump cache that is currently in the ADH. The only way that I know of to view data that is being Post-ed or Contributed is to turn on tracing via dump incoming/outgoing in adhmon



  • I assume you are trying to dump the cache contents of the ADH. This is done from the command line of adhmon using the -dumpData option. See below:

    adhmon -instance instance ID -dumpData [[serviceName] filename | all]

  • Hi Ron,

    Thanks for your response however this method only captures the subscription but not the contributed data. I am after the contributions data which are made to ATS/MARKETLINK/TRCC service via the TREP platform.

