OverflowError: timeout doesn't fit into C timeval


I used the eikon 1.0.1 version.

If you call get_data function using python api, the following message appears.

The result of running the example source.

Can you see why?

ek.get_timeseries ('AAPL.O', fields = "*", start_date = '2019-01-01', end_date = '2019-09-20')

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C: \ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ IPython \ core \ interactiveshell.py", line 2881, in run_code

exec (code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)

File "<ipython-input-32-be72bb5cea6b>", line 1, in <module>

ek.get_timeseries ('AAPL.O', fields = "*", start_date = '2019-01-01', end_date = '2019-09-20')

File "C: \ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ eikon \ time_series.py", line 177, in get_timeseries

ts_result = eikon.json_requests.send_json_request (TimeSeries_UDF_endpoint, payload, debug = debug)

File "C: \ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ eikon \ json_requests.py", line 88, in send_json_request

timeout = profile.get_timeout ())

File "C: \ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ requests \ sessions.py", line 565, in post

return self.request ('POST', url, data = data, json = json, ** kwargs)

File "C: \ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ requests \ sessions.py", line 518, in request

resp = self.send (prep, ** send_kwargs)

File "C: \ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ requests \ sessions.py", line 639, in send

r = adapter.send (request, ** kwargs)

File "C: \ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ requests \ adapters.py", line 438, in send

timeout = timeout

File "C: \ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ requests \ packages \ urllib3 \ connectionpool.py", line 600, in urlopen

chunked = chunked)

File "C: \ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ requests \ packages \ urllib3 \ connectionpool.py", line 374, in _make_request

conn.sock.settimeout (read_timeout)

OverflowError: timeout doesn't fit into C timeval

Best Answer

  • sshinben
    Answer ✓

    Thanks for the reply.

    Found a problem!

    I got set_timeout too big and got an error.


  • Hi @sshinben

    Your code works fine on my machine.


    Please try to restart your machine, Eikon Desktop and internet connection and try again.

  • May I ask your PC environment?

    In the case of Windows7 OS, the API was well executed.

    The API has not been running since last week when I changed the OS to Windows 10.

    Do you have any APIs that don't support Windows 10?

  • Hi @sshinben

    I am using both win7 and win10.

    And I can get the data successfully on both window versions.

    Can you also try to reinstall Eikon Desktop ?