[EMA C++] Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='Closed / Suspect / User unknown to perm

We are trying to connect via EMA C++ API to an our assigned Service Name using port 14002
But we receive this error during login process:

Exception subscribing to market data: Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException',

Text='Closed / Suspect / User unknown to permissioning system, it could be DACS

, AAA or EED / 'name_of_our_user, unknown to system.''

name_of_our_user is the username used to connect omessed for security.

Best Answer

  • cdefusco
    Answer ✓

    I solved the problem. The error occurred when there was already a connection established with that user.


  • Hi @cdefusco, are you using one of the EMA example programs.

    You will need a valid DACS user name which is permissioned to get data for instrument of interest.

    In the OMMConsumer example:

    OmmConsumer consumer( OmmConsumerConfig().host( "ADS:14002" ).username( "user1" ) );

    the username has to be a valid DACS user name. To get a valid DACS username, please contact your market data team which manages your ADS/TREP infrastructure.

  • Is strange because when we use the SpeedGuide_2.1 with the same information (host,port,servicename and username) it works fine and we receive data for example using as RIC "EUR=".

    Could be a problem of configuration in DACS station associated to permissions?

  • EUR= is not a fee liable data. Are you requesting same RIC in the consumer example as well?

  • Can you configure EMA logging and attach the log file here. See configuration article on how to enable it.

    Additionally you can ask the administrator to check the ADS logs.