SEQ-case-investigate-results: Get screening results. Where is the reason of name screening resolutio

We use the method SEQ-case-investigate-results: Get screening results to retrieve resolution result.

The response includes the following case resolution information:


But in the response we cannot find the chosen Status reason (screen below), we see only the StatusId.

How to get the Status reason for resolution done through World-Check One interface as shown below? Or how to parse the statusId to retrieve the status (Full Match, No Match, etc).image

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • Prabhjyot
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for your query.

    In order to obtain the details of Status, Risk and reason, please use the API call - 'SEQ-pre-group-resolution-toolkit: Get the resolution toolkit for a group'. The provider-type would be WATCHLIST.

    The above endpoint would provide you the details of the status, risk and reason along with their corresponding Ids, which is used via the API for resolving the matches.

    Hope this clarifies your concern.
