Using rmdstestclient for latency comparison across ADSs


We have pair of ADSs split across different data centers with each ADS receiving data locally from TREP.

I would like to do latency comparison across the ADSs using rmdstestclient (RSSL subscription) and capture the latency stats in a file. Which options in rmdstestclient are best suited for such comparison?

(The service is same but service name are different across the ADSs.)

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓
    Hello @SMR

    Please see the conversion regarding use rmdstestclient to monitor latency in this post.

    As rmdstestclient is part of ADS server, I strongly suggest you contact the ADS support team via to help on the rmdstestclient usage question.