MRN WebSocket filter before uncompressing

Is it possible to filter the news that will be received by a WebSocket, when signing up for a MRN_STORY *before* receiving and uncompressing the news received?

I ask that because otherwise one will have to receive, uncompress and filter each news which might not be relevant. If it would be possible to define that, for example, only news coming from the country 'US' with the language 'EN' would be received, that would decrease the amount of traffic and processing.

If this is possible, please let me know how; if it is not possible (which appears to be the case), then I would like to be sure of it!

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @henrique.hissataka

    No, you can filter or query news or request specific news with the MRN. This is the expected behavior of MRN as the Real-Time News that always sends all news from Refinitiv Real-Time to the consumer. The consumer needs to assemble, decode and uncompress to get the news content, and filter/query the news that matches the requirement.

    If you want to query or filter specific news, you can use other APIs such as Refinitiv Data Platform APIs (RDP) to request news via the REST API (HTTP request-response and Message Queue). Please see more detail in the following resources: