Connection to remote host is lost when using Eikon Messenger Bot API (WebSocket)


I need your help. I am using the python demo script for the Eikon Messenger API to listen in a chatroom. Unfortunately, the connection to the remote host is lost after a certain time every time. Is it the WebSocket service or threading in Python or am I getting kicked out by Refinitiv?


Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓


    After investigating this disconnection issue for a while, @Cemil Yigit found that the proxy needs some kind of heartbeat messages or activities every certain minute to keep a WebSocket connection active.

    The workaround is sending a ping-pong message with the WebSocket connection as follows:

    def on_ping(_, message):
        print("Got a ping! A pong reply has already been automatically sent.")
    def on_pong(_, message):
        print("Got a pong! No need to respond")

    web_socket_app = websocket.WebSocketApp(
    wst = threading.Thread(target=web_socket_app.run_forever, kwargs={"sslopt": {"check_hostname": False}, "ping_interval": 60, "ping_timeout": 10, "ping_payload": "2"})

    The code also needs to handle reconnection logic (as the example application aims for demonstrating the API workflow only, so it is not cover all use cases).

    After ping-pong and reconnection logic are applied to the application, the application works fine.


  • Hello @Cemil Yigit

    Does the WebSocket connection disconnect every 5 minutes? If so, I highly recommend you re-test with the latest version (June 2022 - master branch) of the example.

    Please also share the log file too (please remove your credentials before sharing!).

  • Yes, it seems, that after 5 Minutes it disconnects. I'll check your link.

  • Hello @wasin.w

    Thanks for your post. I downloaded the file from git and tried it. Unfortunately, it now lost the connection after 2 minutes. Here ist some output:

    Connecting to WebSocket wss:// ...

    2022-09-06 11:10:02: DEBUG:websocket :Connecting proxy...

    2022-09-06 11:10:02: INFO:root :Receive: onopen event. WebSocket Connection is established

    2022-09-06 11:10:02: INFO:root :Sent: {.......}

    2022-09-06 11:12:40: ERROR:root :Error: Connection to remote host was lost.

    2022-09-06 11:12:40: ERROR:websocket :error from callback <function on_close at 0x00000273DA7E5DC0>: on_close() takes 1 positional argument but 3 were given

    2022-09-06 11:12:40: ERROR:root :Error: on_close() takes 1 positional argument but 3 were given

    Refresh Token

    2022-09-06 11:14:02: DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool :Starting new HTTPS connection (1):

    2022-09-06 11:14:03: DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool : "POST /auth/oauth2/v1/token HTTP/1.1" 200 None

    2022-09-06 11:14:03: ERROR:root :send_ws_connect_request exception: Connection is already closed.

    2022-09-06 11:14:03: INFO:root :Sent: {.......}

  • A log file was not created.

  • It's funny, when changing 60 to 180 in the while loop, it seems that is works.

  • Hello @Cemil Yigit

    Sorry for my mistake, the demo application does not generate a log file. Can you save entire log messages (please removed your credentials) and share a text file in this post?

    I am trying to replicate the issue with the example in my environment (Python 3.9, libraries versions are the same as in the ws-requirements.txt file).

    I did not encounter any disconnection yet (Note: I am connecting with my public internet, not the office environment network).

    According to the following logs, are you connecting to the Messenger Bot WebSocket server through any firewall or proxy?

    2022-09-06 11:10:02: DEBUG:websocket :Connecting proxy...
    2022-09-06 11:10:02: INFO:root :Receive: onopen event. WebSocket Connection is established
    2022-09-06 11:10:02: INFO:root :Sent: {.......}
    2022-09-06 11:12:40: ERROR:root :Error: Connection to remote host was lost.

    If so, does your network have any policy that cuts a long connection like WebSocket?

  • Hello @wasin.w

    Thanks for your support so far.

    The hint with the proxy is a good one. I will check it and let you know if it's on my side. In the meantime I adjusted

    time.sleep(int(expire_time) - 240)

    For the moment, it works fine with 240. If it's not working, I'll let you know and push my code here.

    Best, Cemil

  • Hello @wasin.w

    Unfortunately, the connection to the server was lost after roughly 5 hours. The relevant part of my code looks like this:

    if __name__ == "__main__":

    # logging settings
    log_level = logging.DEBUG
    logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s:", level=log_level, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    # rdp authentication token
    rdp_token = RDPTokenManagement(bot_username, bot_password, app_key, 30)
    access_token, refresh_token, expire_time, logged_in = authen_rdp(rdp_token)
    if not access_token:

    # join chatrooms
    for chatroom in config["chatrooms"].keys():
    join_room = join_chatroom(access_token, chatroom)

    # connect via a websocket connection
    print(f"connecting to {ws_url}")
    web_socket_app = websocket.WebSocketApp(ws_url, on_message=on_message, on_error=on_error, on_close=on_close, subprotocols=["messenger-json"])
    web_socket_app.on_open = on_open

    # infinite event loop
    wst = threading.Thread(target=web_socket_app.run_forever, kwargs={"sslopt": {"check_hostname": False}})


    while True:

    if int(expire_time) > 245:
    expire_time = "300"
    time.sleep(int(expire_time) - 245)

    if not web_socket_app.keep_running:
    print(f"{} new connection established")

    print(f"{} token refreshed")
    access_token, refresh_token, expire_time, logged_in = authen_rdp(rdp_token)

    if not access_token:

    if logged_in:

    except KeyboardInterrupt:


    So, if you have an idea, please let me know. Thanks.

    The part with

    if not web_socket_app.keep_running

    was added just now.