Login rejected using refresh token


The stream is okay when I use password to get token and login. But after a few minute (less than token expire time), when I use refresh token to login, the message I receive is "Login rejected, already pending login" and I have to again use password to login. Can you tell me what will cause "login rejected" problem?

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @afra, I am running the sample application from the quickstart and have been able to successfully renew access token couple of times now. Can you please try the same and replicate the issue with the sample application.

    This is to rule out any token renewal bugs in your code.


  • By the way, the refresh token works well before but it fails today for whole day which is really a big problem.

  • Hello @afra,

    Same here, run quickstart python, refreshed token, no issue.